Privacy Policy


Your privacy is critically important to us

Isla Contoy Experience is located in:

Av. Del Sol No. 2, Mz. 13, Lt. 2
SM 44, Upper Floor
77506 Cancun
Quintana Roo, Mexico

In compliance with the Mexican Law: Ley Federal de Protección de Datos Personales en Protección de los Particulares (LFPDPPP, its acronym in Spanish), Isla Contoy Experience provides you with the following Privacy Notice:

Entity responsible for protecting and processing your Personal Data Operadora Vela Total S.A. de C.V. (hereinafter, “Isla Contoy Experience”), located at Marina Chac Chi Km 3.2 Zona Hotelera Cancún, Quintana Roo, C.P. 77500.

Means of obtaining Personal Data

The personal data that Isla Contoy Experience collects from you will be used solely for the purposes set out herein and may be obtained:

  • Directly by entering your data or using the online services through the webpage

  • Directly through our call center.

  • Personally through our booking agents.

  • Obtained data

The data that Isla Contoy Experience obtains from you will be the following: Complete name with surnames, telephone number, email address, address and financial data such as: Credit card number, credit card holder’s name, expiration date, security code and any other data that are needed to complete and manage the reservations that you requested.

Purpose of collected Personal Data

Your data will be collected for the following main purposes that are necessary for the service that you request:

- Processing, monitoring, updating, modification, cancellation and confirmation of the services that you booked with Isla Contoy Experience through its means, for financial and credit purposes, in order to comply with the obligations assumed with you and with our suppliers.

Secondarily, we will use your personal data for the following purposes that are not necessary for the requested service but that allow and facilitate better assistance on our part:

- To evaluate the quality of the service, conduct surveys about travel habits and preferences, to participate in contests and raffles, customer loyalty programs, as well as for the sending of promotions, offers, services and advertising (solely and exclusively for Isla Contoy Experience).

In the event that you do not wish your personal data to be processed for these additional purposes, you may send at this time a written statement via
Domestic and international transfer of data Pursuant to the provisions of Articles 36 and 37 of the LFPDPPP your personal data may be transferred to and/or shared with:
  • a) Controller companies, subsidiaries or affiliates under the common control of Isla Contoy Experience, or a parent company or any company in the same Isla Contoy Experience group that operates under the same internal processes and policies;
  • b) When the transfer is necessary by virtue of an existing contract or one to be concluded in the owner’s interest by the responsible party and a third party;
  • c) When the transfer is necessary for maintenance or compliance with a legal relationship between the responsible party and the owner such as Suppliers, Tourist Services Suppliers, Banking and Credit Institutions, among others.
It is important to note that the third parties to whom your personal data are transferred shall be bound by the same terms and conditions of this Privacy Notice and shall comply with the corresponding security and confidentiality measures.
In any event, we hereby undertake not to transfer your personal data to third parties without your consent, unless we are required to do so in accordance with the provisions of Article 37 of the Mexican Law: Ley Federal de Protección de Datos Personales en Posesión de los Particulares, as well as carrying out this transfer under the terms of this law.
Domestic and international transfer of data Pursuant to the provisions of Articles 36 and 37 of the LFPDPPP your personal data may be transferred to and/or shared with:
  • a) Controller companies, subsidiaries or affiliates under the common control of Isla Contoy Experience, or a parent company or any company in the same Isla Contoy Experience group that operates under the same internal processes and policies;
  • b) When the transfer is necessary by virtue of an existing contract or one to be concluded in the owner’s interest by the responsible party and a third party;
  • c) When the transfer is necessary for maintenance or compliance with a legal relationship between the responsible party and the owner such as Suppliers, Tourist Services Suppliers, Banking and Credit Institutions, among others.
It is important to note that the third parties to whom your personal data are transferred shall be bound by the same terms and conditions of this Privacy Notice and shall comply with the corresponding security and confidentiality
In any event, we hereby undertake not to transfer your personal data to third parties without your consent, unless we are required to do so in accordance with the provisions of Article 37 of the Mexican Law: Ley Federal de Protección de Datos Personales en Posesión de los Particulares, as well as carrying out this transfer under the terms of this law.

Exercising ARCO Rights

Article 28 of the LFPDPPP grants you four rights to exercise:
  • The owner has the right to Access his/her personal data that are held by the responsible party and to be aware of the Privacy Notice and its purposes.
  • The owner has the right to Rectify his/her data in the event that they are inexact, incorrect or outdated.
  • The owner has the right to Cancel his/her personal data when he/she considers that they are not being used to fulfill the purposes established in this Privacy Notice.
  • The owner has the right to Oppose the processing of his/her personal data in regard to any of the purposes established in this Privacy Notice.

Right to revoke your consent for data processing

Article 8 of the LFPDPPP provides for the possibility of revoking the consent granted for the processing of your personal data. To revoke this consent, you may request that we do so using the same mechanism and procedure for exercising the ARCO Rights provided for herein. However, Isla Contoy Experience informs you that keeping your personal data in our database allows us to have a better understanding of your needs based on your history and thereby provide you with better service when making future reservations.
Mechanisms for exercising ARCO Rights and revoking the consent for processing your data.
To exercise your rights of Access, Rectification, Cancellation and Opposition or your right to revoke the consent for the processing of your personal data, you are required to complete and send the EXERCISE OF ARCO RIGHTS FORM, which you request to, and submit it to Isla Contoy Experience at the following form, or you can submit the form physically to the following address: Calle Alce No. 36 SM 20 Cancún, Quintana Roo, C.P. 77500, attention Department of Protection of Personal Data, in writing and in Spanish, complying with the requirements set forth in Article 29 of the LFPDPPP. For more information you can contact the Isla Contoy Experience Department of Protection of Personal Data directly by phone at: (52) 998 849 49 40.
To justify exercising your ARCO Rights, you are required to verify the possession of your ARCO Rights or the representation with respect to the owner through a copy of your identification document and the presentation of the original for comparison purposes, or the instruments indicated in Article 89 of the LFPDPPP.
“Article 29.- The access, rectification, cancellation or opposition request must contain and accompany the following:
  • I. The name of the owner and address or other means of communicating to you the response to your request;
  • II. The documents verifying the identity or, where appropriate, the legal representation of the owner;
  • III. Clear and precise description of the personal data with regard to which you wish to exercise any of the aforementioned rights, and
  • IV. Any other element or document that facilitates locating personal data.”
Isla Contoy Experience will monitor your request for 20 business days starting from the receipt of said FORM or request, with complete documentation, in order to communicate to you the justification of the request.
If the request is justified, Isla Contoy Experience will have 15 business days to enable you to exercise your ARCO right.

Measures to safeguard your information and to limit the use or disclosure of your personal data

Your personal data will be kept in strict confidence. To reasonably prevent the undue use or disclosure of your personal data, we have implemented physical, technical and administrative security measures in accordance with the Mexican Law: Ley Federal de Protección de Datos Personales en Posesión de los Particulares and applicable regulations.
In particular, we have a privacy policy, employee training courses, restricted access to personal data for authorized users only, privacy officers, a personal data inventory (duly classified by data category) of processing systems, risk analysis and contractual clauses.
To ensure that you are able to limit the use and disclosure of your personal data, we offer you the option of registration in the Public Registry to avoid Advertising (Registro Público para Evitar Publicidad or REPEP , its acronym in Spanish), of which the Federal Attorney’s Office of the Consumer (Procuraduría Federal del Consumidor or PROFECO, its acronym in Spanish) is in charge, to ensure that your personal data are not used to receive promotions or advertising from goods or services companies. For more information about this registry, you may consult PROFECO’s web portal or contact PROFECO directly.
Cookies Isla Contoy Experience uses its own cookies and those of third parties to analyze your browsing and offer you more personalized service according to your interests.
Modifications to this notice Isla Contoy Experience may modify or update this Privacy Notice at any time.
The changes or updates that are made will enter into effect at the time that they are published on the website, on the websites of our affiliates or on any medium that we use to publish them. For this reason, we recommend that you check them on an ongoing basis.

Express acceptance of the Privacy Notice

If you do not expressly oppose this Privacy Notice and its updates, we will assume that you have granted your tacit consent under the terms of Article 8 of the LFPDPPP.

Isla Contoy Experience recommends that you read this Privacy Notice, given that providing your data by any means constitutes your acceptance of this Privacy Notice.

If you have any question regarding our terms & conditions, please fill the form or contact us by chat.

Isla Contoy Blog

We have the best travel tips to visit Isla Contoy and live a great experience.

7 min read

Whale Shark: Migration adventure to Isla Contoy